Nokia 6300 Unlock Code Free Calculator


This page only allows you to calculate the online unlock code for the Nokia DCT2, DCT2 et DCT4. Alternatively, you can use this calculator (Crux Unlocker 5.0) offline that contains the latest updates for the Nokia DCT2, DCT2 et DCT4. DOWNLOAD Nokia DCT4 + and BB5 are only unlockable by cable with special software. Free unlocking for Nokia Mobile phones including the Nokia 1600, 8310, 6230 and 6230i. Unlock codes are generated instantly and provided online for you to unlock your phone immediately. Download nokiafree unlock codes calculator windows, nokiafree unlock codes calculator windows, nokiafree unlock codes calculator windows download free. Mobile Phone Tools. NokiaFREE Unlock Codes Calculator. The easiest way to have your Nokia. Our free Nokia unlock codes work by remote code (no software required) and are not only FREE, but they are easy and safe. Once your Nokia is unlocked, you may use any SIM card in your phone from any network worldwide! As well as the benefit of being able to use your Nokia with any network, it also increases its value if you ever plan on selling.

'This sim card can only be used on specific networks. Contact your customer service center for the unlock code' ( It will also display how many attempts remain ). Press the 'Enter Pin Button' and enter the unlock code we sent you to unlock your phone. Nokia BB5 Code Input Instructions ( All New (ish) Nokia Phones are BB5, Unless Lumia) 1. Complete the 10 Second form to Generate your Absolutly free Nokia Master Security Code. No Obligations, No Signups and No Charge, EVER! Just enter your IMEI and our special generator will create your Nokia mastercode for free. Free Nokia SIM Unlock with Code Calculator This is a guide, how to unlock your mobile phone easily - All by yourself! This is very useful, if you have bought a new Nokia mobile phone, locked to a provider, and wish to use a SIM-card from another provider.

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All our unlock codes have a 100% money back guarantee. Please see T+C for details.

Get your Nokia unlock code in less than two minutes all for free! We can unlock your phone using the latest software all the professionals use, but the difference is it won't cost you anything.

Unlocking a Nokia cell phone will let you use it on all networks. It removes the sim lock that Network operators use to prevent users changing networks and causingthem not making as much money. You can save yourself money by changing networks or by using more than one simcard so you can avoid roaming charges when using the phone abroad.

Unlocking your Nokia phone is very easy, requiring a special unlock code generated for you using your phones IMEI(serial)number and the network the phone is locked to. Entering the unlock code is simple and does not require any technical knowledge whatsoever.

If you have forgotten your phones password (not the sim lock or sim pin number) then we provide another free online mastercode calculator that generates the master code that gets you into the phone so that you can change your password to something you remember.

Can we unlock your phone? (find out phone model)

Supported Nokia Mobile Phones (Free Unlocking)

All of the following phones can be unlocked for free with our online based calculator. If you prefer to download a calculator try Crux Unlock Calculator or SmartCalcDCT4 ver 2.18.

Nokia 1100,Nokia 1100a,Nokia 1100b,Nokia 1101,
Nokia 1110,Nokia 1220,Nokia 1260,Nokia 1261,
Nokia 1600,
Nokia 2220,Nokia 2221,Nokia 2260,Nokia 2261,
Nokia 2270,Nokia 2280,Nokia 2285,Nokia 2300,
Nokia 2300a,Nokia 2600,Nokia 2650,
Nokia 3100,Nokia 3100b,Nokia 3105,Nokia 3108,
Nokia 3120,Nokia 3200,Nokia 3220,Nokia 3220b,
Nokia 3300,Nokia 3320,Nokia 3360,3361,
Nokia 3510,Nokia 3510i,Nokia 3520,Nokia 3530,
Nokia 3560,Nokia 3570,Nokia 3570i,Nokia 3585,
Nokia 3585i,Nokia 3586,Nokia 3586i,Nokia 3588,
Nokia 3588i,Nokia 3590,Nokia 3590e,Nokia 3595,
Nokia 3595e,Nokia 3600,Nokia 3620,Nokia 3650,
Nokia 3660,
Nokia 5100,Nokia 5140,Nokia 5140b,Nokia 5140i,
Nokia 6010,Nokia 6020,Nokia 6020b,Nokia 6021,
Nokia 6030,Nokia 6030a,Nokia 6100,Nokia 6100e,
Nokia 6101,Nokia 6102,Nokia 6102i,Nokia 6108,
Nokia 6111,Nokia 6170,Nokia 6170b,Nokia 6200,
Nokia 6200e,Nokia 6220,Nokia 6225,Nokia 6230,
Nokia 6230i,Nokia 6260,Nokia 6310,Nokia 6310e,
Nokia 6310i,Nokia 6340,Nokia 6340e,Nokia 6340i,
Nokia 6360,Nokia 6370,Nokia 6385,Nokia 6390,
Nokia 6510,Nokia 6510e,Nokia 6510i,Nokia 6560,
Nokia 6585,Nokia 6590,Nokia 6600,Nokia 6610,
Nokia 6620,Nokia 6650,Nokia 6660,Nokia 6670,
Nokia 6800,Nokia 6810,Nokia 6820,Nokia 6820a,
Nokia 6820b,Nokia 6822,Nokia 6822a,
Nokia 7200,Nokia 7210,Nokia 7210e,Nokia 7210i,
Nokia 7250,Nokia 7250e,Nokia 7250i,Nokia 7260,
Nokia 7270,Nokia 7280,Nokia 7600,Nokia 7610,
Nokia 7610b,Nokia 7650,Nokia 7690,Nokia 7700,
Nokia 7710,
Nokia 8310,Nokia 8310e,Nokia 8310i,Nokia 8390,
Nokia 8510,Nokia 8510,Nokia 8800,Nokia 8910,
Nokia 8910e,Nokia 8910i,Nokia 9500,

NEW - Supported Nokia BB5 Mobile Phones (Latest Phones)

Nokia 3109 ClassicNokia 3110 ClassicNokia 3120 ClassicNokia 3250 Nokia 3500 ClassicNokia 3600 SlideNokia 3610 FoldNokia 5200 XpressMusicNokia 5200 Nokia 5220 XpressMusicNokia 5300 XpressMusicNokia 5310 XpressMusicNokia 5320 XpressMusicNokia 5500 Nokia 5500 SportNokia 5610 XpressMusicNokia 5700 XpressMusicNokia 5710 XpressMusicNokia 6085 Nokia 6086 Nokia 6110 NavigatorNokia 6120 ClassicNokia 6121 ClassicNokia 6124 VodafoneNokia 6125 Nokia 6126 Nokia 6131 Nokia 6131 NFCNokia 6133 Nokia 6135 Nokia 6136 Nokia 6151 Nokia 6210 NavigatorNokia 6212 ClassicNokia 6220 ClassicNokia 6233 Nokia 6234 Nokia 6267 Nokia 6270 Nokia 6280 Nokia 6282 Nokia 6288 Nokia 6290 Nokia 6300 Nokia 6300i Nokia 6301 Nokia 6500 ClassicNokia 6500 SlideNokia 6555 Nokia 6555 ClassicNokia 6556 ClassicNokia 6600 FoldNokia 6600 SlideNokia 6630 Nokia 6631 (NM850iG)Nokia 6650 T-MobileNokia 6680 Nokia 6681 Nokia 6682 Nokia 7310 SupernovaNokia 7370 Nokia 7373 Nokia 7390 Nokia 7500 PrismNokia 7510 SupernovaNokia 7610 SupernovaNokia 7900 PrismNokia 8600 LunaNokia 8800 ArteNokia E50 Nokia E51 Nokia E60 Nokia E61 Nokia E61i Nokia E62 Nokia E65 Nokia E66 Nokia E70 Nokia E71 Nokia E90 CommunicatorNokia N70 Nokia N71 Nokia N72 Nokia N73 Nokia N75 Nokia N76 Nokia N77 Nokia N78 Nokia N79 Nokia N80 Nokia N81 8GBNokia N81 Nokia N82 Nokia N85 Nokia N90 Nokia N91 Nokia N92 Nokia N93 Nokia N93i Nokia N95 Nokia N95 8GBNokia N96 Nokia NM705i (DoCoMo)

WorldUnlock Codes Calculator is a utility used to unlock mobile phones such as Nokia, LG or Samsung. The process is simple; users simply have to select their phone model, type a code and in a few easy steps their device will be unlocked.

This tool also includes a code to restore the security code for users who tend to forget their PIN code. This free software allows users to maintain security on their devices and to use other mobile phones without restrictions.

How to do it

The installation process is easy and it does not occupy much disk space. To use the program WorldUnlock Codes Calculator works to unlock devices users have to select the brand and specific phone model from a list. Then, users enter a code, select the country, the provider a click on “Calculate”.

Nokia Free Unlock Calculator

The program will display some codes to try until you find the right one for your phone. You may restart your phone when the process is complete, and your device will be unlocked.

Nokia 6300 Unlock Code Free Calculator

If you have blocked your mobile, and you cannot remember your Nokia PIN code, you can now restore your security number with this utility by calculating the Mastercode.

Free Nokia Unlock Code Generator

Other alternatives

Besides unlocking mobile phones, there are other programs which provide other ways to get the most out of your device. If you would like to clean your mobile memory because you tend to have multiple files that disorganize your phone, try Disk Cleaner


If you want to replicate the same task on your computer, you can try CCleaner to remove all the unnecessary files on your hard disk.

WorldUnlock Codes Calculator 4.4 Features

Below you can find the features of this utility:

  • Many formats supported such as Samsung, Siemens, LG and Sony
  • Wide compatibility, especially with Nokia phones
  • Quick installation without any complication
  • Intuitive UI without hidden menus
  • You have to introduce your IMEI code (International Model Equipment Identity), phone model, provider and country
  • Press ‘Calculate’ button to get multiple possible unlock codes

If you are interested in reading more information, you can do it

Nokia 6300 Unlock Code Free Calculator Online


WorldUnlock Codes Calculator is a mobile utility which is used to unlock your mobile phone by typing it´s country and provider. It also restores your security PIN code if you have lost it.

  • Simple to use
  • Free
  • Small file size

Nokia 6300 Unlock Code Free Calculator Software

  • A little outdated
  • Only works for certain models